
Interface and base code

exception innvestigate.analyzer.base.NotAnalyzeableModelException

Indicates that the model cannot be analyzed by an analyzer.

class innvestigate.analyzer.base.AnalyzerBase(model, disable_model_checks=False)

The basic interface of an iNNvestigate analyzer.

This class defines the basic interface for analyzers:

>>> model = create_keras_model()
>>> a = Analyzer(model)
>>>  # If analyzer needs training.
>>> analysis = a.analyze(X_test)
>>> state =
>>> a_new = A.load(*state)
>>> analysis = a_new.analyze(X_test)
  • model – A Keras model.
  • disable_model_checks – Do not execute model checks that enforce compatibility of analyzer and model.


To develop a new analyzer derive from AnalyzerNetworkBase.


Analyze the behavior of model on input X.

Parameters:X – Input as expected by model.
fit(*args, **kwargs)

Stub that eats arguments. If an analyzer needs training include TrainerMixin.

Parameters:disable_no_training_warning – Do not warn if this function is called despite no training is needed.
fit_generator(*args, **kwargs)

Stub that eats arguments. If an analyzer needs training include TrainerMixin.

Parameters:disable_no_training_warning – Do not warn if this function is called despite no training is needed.
static load(class_name, state)

Resembles an analyzer from the state created by

  • class_name – The analyzer’s class name.
  • state – The analyzer’s state.
static load_npz(fname)

Resembles an analyzer from the file created by analyzer.save_npz().

Parameters:fname – The file’s name.

Save state of analyzer, can be passed to Analyzer.load() to resemble the analyzer.

Returns:The class name and the state.

Save state of analyzer, can be passed to Analyzer.load_npz() to resemble the analyzer.

Parameters:fname – The file’s name.
class innvestigate.analyzer.base.TrainerMixin

Mixin for analyzer that adapt to data.

This convenience interface exposes a Keras like training routing to the user.

fit(X=None, batch_size=32, **kwargs)

Takes the same parameters as Keras’s function.

fit_generator(*args, **kwargs)

Takes the same parameters as Keras’s model.fit_generator() function.

class innvestigate.analyzer.base.OneEpochTrainerMixin

Exposes the same interface and functionality as TrainerMixin except that the training is limited to one epoch.

fit(*args, **kwargs)

Same interface as fit() of TrainerMixin except that the parameter epoch is fixed to 1.

fit_generator(*args, **kwargs)

Same interface as fit_generator() of TrainerMixin except that the parameter epoch is fixed to 1.

class innvestigate.analyzer.base.AnalyzerNetworkBase(model, neuron_selection_mode='max_activation', allow_lambda_layers=False, **kwargs)

Convenience interface for analyzers.

This class provides helpful functionality to create analyzer’s. Basically it:

  • takes the input model and adds a layer that selects the desired output neuron to analyze.
  • passes the new model to _create_analysis() which should return the analysis as Keras tensors.
  • compiles the function and serves the output to analyze() calls.
  • allows _create_analysis() to return tensors that are intercept for debugging purposes.
  • neuron_selection_mode – How to select the neuron to analyze. Possible values are ‘max_activation’, ‘index’ for the neuron (expects indices at analyze() calls), ‘all’ take all neurons.
  • allow_lambda_layers – Allow the model to contain lambda layers.
analyze(X, neuron_selection=None)

Same interface as Analyzer besides

Parameters:neuron_selection – If neuron_selection_mode is ‘index’ this should be an integer with the index for the chosen neuron.

Creates the analyze functionality. If not called beforehand it will be called by analyze().

class innvestigate.analyzer.base.ReverseAnalyzerBase(model, reverse_verbose=False, reverse_clip_values=False, reverse_project_bottleneck_layers=False, reverse_check_min_max_values=False, reverse_check_finite=False, reverse_keep_tensors=False, reverse_reapply_on_copied_layers=False, **kwargs)

Convenience class for analyzers that revert the model’s structure.

This class contains many helper functions around the graph reverse function innvestigate.utils.keras.graph.reverse_model().

The deriving classes should specify how the graph should be reverted by implementing the following functions:

  • _reverse_mapping(layer)() given a layer this function returns a reverse mapping for the layer as specified in innvestigate.utils.keras.graph.reverse_model() or None.

    This function can be implemented, but it is encouraged to implement a default mapping and add additional changes with the function _add_conditional_reverse_mapping() (see below).

    The default behavior is finding a conditional mapping (see below), if none is found, _default_reverse_mapping() is applied.

  • _default_reverse_mapping() defines the default reverse mapping.

  • _head_mapping() defines how the outputs of the model should be instantiated before the are passed to the reversed network.

Furthermore other parameters of the function innvestigate.utils.keras.graph.reverse_model() can be changed by setting the according parameters of the init function:

  • reverse_verbose – Print information on the reverse process.
  • reverse_clip_values – Clip the values that are passed along the reverted network. Expects tuple (min, max).
  • reverse_project_bottleneck_layers – Project the value range of bottleneck tensors in the reverse network into another range.
  • reverse_check_min_max_values – Print the min/max values observed in each tensor along the reverse network whenever analyze() is called.
  • reverse_check_finite – Check if values passed along the reverse network are finite.
  • reverse_keep_tensors – Keeps the tensors created in the backward pass and stores them in the attribute _reversed_tensors.
  • reverse_reapply_on_copied_layers – See innvestigate.utils.keras.graph.reverse_model().

Gradient methods

class innvestigate.analyzer.gradient_based.BaselineGradient(model, postprocess=None, **kwargs)

Gradient analyzer based on build-in gradient.

Returns as analysis the function value with respect to the input. The gradient is computed via the build in function. Is mainly used for debugging purposes.

Parameters:model – A Keras model.
class innvestigate.analyzer.gradient_based.Gradient(model, postprocess=None, **kwargs)

Gradient analyzer.

Returns as analysis the function value with respect to the input. The gradient is computed via the librarie’s network reverting.

Parameters:model – A Keras model.
class innvestigate.analyzer.gradient_based.InputTimesGradient(model, **kwargs)

Input*Gradient analyzer.

Parameters:model – A Keras model.
class innvestigate.analyzer.gradient_based.Deconvnet(model, **kwargs)

Deconvnet analyzer.

Applies the “deconvnet” algorithm to analyze the model.

Parameters:model – A Keras model.
class innvestigate.analyzer.gradient_based.GuidedBackprop(model, **kwargs)

Guided backprop analyzer.

Applies the “guided backprop” algorithm to analyze the model.

Parameters:model – A Keras model.
class innvestigate.analyzer.gradient_based.IntegratedGradients(model, steps=64, **kwargs)

Integrated gradient analyzer.

Applies the “integrated gradient” algorithm to analyze the model.

  • model – A Keras model.
  • steps – Number of steps to use average along integration path.
class innvestigate.analyzer.gradient_based.SmoothGrad(model, augment_by_n=64, **kwargs)

Smooth grad analyzer.

Applies the “smooth grad” algorithm to analyze the model.

  • model – A Keras model.
  • augment_by_n – Number of distortions to average for smoothing.

Layer-wise relevance propagation

class innvestigate.analyzer.relevance_based.relevance_analyzer.BaselineLRPZ(model, **kwargs)

LRPZ analyzer - for testing purpose only.

Applies the “LRP-Z” algorithm to analyze the model. Based on the gradient times the input formula. This formula holds only for ReLU/MaxPooling networks, for which LRP-Z collapses into the stated formula.

Parameters:model – A Keras model.
class innvestigate.analyzer.relevance_based.relevance_analyzer.LRP(model, *args, **kwargs)

Base class for LRP-based model analyzers

  • model – A Keras model.
  • rule – A rule can be a string or a Rule object, lists thereof or a list of conditions [(Condition, Rule), … ] gradient.
  • input_layer_rule – either a Rule object, atuple of (low, high) the min/max pixel values of the inputs
create_rule_mapping(layer, reverse_state)
class innvestigate.analyzer.relevance_based.relevance_analyzer.LRPZ(model, *args, **kwargs)

LRP-analyzer that uses the LRP-Z rule

class innvestigate.analyzer.relevance_based.relevance_analyzer.LRPZIgnoreBias(model, *args, **kwargs)

LRP-analyzer that uses the LRP-Z-ignore-bias rule

class innvestigate.analyzer.relevance_based.relevance_analyzer.LRPEpsilon(model, epsilon=1e-07, bias=True, *args, **kwargs)

LRP-analyzer that uses the LRP-Epsilon rule

class innvestigate.analyzer.relevance_based.relevance_analyzer.LRPEpsilonIgnoreBias(model, epsilon=1e-07, *args, **kwargs)

LRP-analyzer that uses the LRP-Epsilon-ignore-bias rule

class innvestigate.analyzer.relevance_based.relevance_analyzer.LRPWSquare(model, *args, **kwargs)

LRP-analyzer that uses the DeepTaylor W**2 rule

class innvestigate.analyzer.relevance_based.relevance_analyzer.LRPFlat(model, *args, **kwargs)

LRP-analyzer that uses the LRP-Flat rule

class innvestigate.analyzer.relevance_based.relevance_analyzer.LRPAlphaBeta(model, alpha=None, beta=None, bias=True, *args, **kwargs)

Base class for LRP AlphaBeta

class innvestigate.analyzer.relevance_based.relevance_analyzer.LRPAlpha2Beta1(model, *args, **kwargs)

LRP-analyzer that uses the LRP-alpha-beta rule with a=2,b=1

class innvestigate.analyzer.relevance_based.relevance_analyzer.LRPAlpha2Beta1IgnoreBias(model, *args, **kwargs)

LRP-analyzer that uses the LRP-alpha-beta-ignbias rule with a=2,b=1

class innvestigate.analyzer.relevance_based.relevance_analyzer.LRPAlpha1Beta0(model, *args, **kwargs)

LRP-analyzer that uses the LRP-alpha-beta rule with a=1,b=0

class innvestigate.analyzer.relevance_based.relevance_analyzer.LRPAlpha1Beta0IgnoreBias(model, *args, **kwargs)

LRP-analyzer that uses the LRP-alpha-beta-ignbias rule with a=1,b=0

class innvestigate.analyzer.relevance_based.relevance_analyzer.LRPZPlus(model, *args, **kwargs)

LRP-analyzer that uses the LRP-alpha-beta rule with a=1,b=0

class innvestigate.analyzer.relevance_based.relevance_analyzer.LRPZPlusFast(model, *args, **kwargs)

The ZPlus rule is a special case of the AlphaBetaRule for alpha=1, beta=0 and assumes inputs x >= 0.

class innvestigate.analyzer.relevance_based.relevance_analyzer.LRPSequentialPresetA(model, epsilon=0.1, *args, **kwargs)

Special LRP-configuration for ConvNets

class innvestigate.analyzer.relevance_based.relevance_analyzer.LRPSequentialPresetB(model, epsilon=0.1, *args, **kwargs)

Special LRP-configuration for ConvNets

class innvestigate.analyzer.relevance_based.relevance_analyzer.LRPSequentialPresetAFlat(model, *args, **kwargs)

Special LRP-configuration for ConvNets

class innvestigate.analyzer.relevance_based.relevance_analyzer.LRPSequentialPresetBFlat(model, *args, **kwargs)

Special LRP-configuration for ConvNets

Pattern methods

class innvestigate.analyzer.pattern_based.PatternNet(model, patterns=None, pattern_type=None, **kwargs)

PatternNet analyzer.

Applies the “PatternNet” algorithm to analyze the model’s predictions.

  • model – A Keras model.
  • patterns – Pattern computed by If None fit() needs to be called.
  • allow_lambda_layers – Approximate lambda layers with the gradient.
  • reverse_project_bottleneck_layers – Project the analysis vector into range [-1, +1]. (default: True)
class innvestigate.analyzer.pattern_based.PatternAttribution(model, patterns=None, pattern_type=None, **kwargs)

PatternAttribution analyzer.

Applies the “PatternNet” algorithm to analyze the model’s predictions.

  • model – A Keras model.
  • patterns – Pattern computed by If None fit() needs to be called.
  • allow_lambda_layers – Approximate lambda layers with the gradient.
  • reverse_project_bottleneck_layers – Project the analysis vector into range [-1, +1]. (default: True)

Deep Taylor

class innvestigate.analyzer.deeptaylor.DeepTaylor(model, *args, **kwargs)

DeepTaylor for ReLU-networks with unbounded input

This class implements the DeepTaylor algorithm for neural networks with ReLU activation and unbounded input ranges.

Parameters:model – A Keras model.
class innvestigate.analyzer.deeptaylor.BoundedDeepTaylor(model, low=None, high=None, **kwargs)

DeepTaylor for ReLU-networks with bounded input

This class implements the DeepTaylor algorithm for neural networks with ReLU activation and bounded input ranges.

  • model – A Keras model.
  • low – Lowest value of the input range. See Z_B rule.
  • high – Highest value of the input range. See Z_B rule.


class innvestigate.analyzer.deeplift.DeepLIFTWrapper(model, **kwargs)

Wrapper around DeepLIFT package

This class wraps the DeepLIFT package. For further explanation of the parameters check out:

  • model – A Keras model.
  • nonlinear_mode – The nonlinear mode parameter.
  • reference_inputs – The reference input used for DeepLIFT.
  • verbose – Verbosity of the DeepLIFT package.

Requires the deeplift package.

analyze(X, neuron_selection=None)

Same interface as Analyzer besides

Parameters:neuron_selection – If neuron_selection_mode is ‘index’ this should be an integer with the index for the chosen neuron.


class innvestigate.analyzer.misc.Random(model, stddev=1, **kwargs)

Returns noise.

Returns the Gaussian noise as analysis.

  • model – A Keras model.
  • stddev – The standard deviation of the noise.
class innvestigate.analyzer.misc.Input(model, neuron_selection_mode='max_activation', allow_lambda_layers=False, **kwargs)

Returns the input.

Returns the input as analysis.

Parameters:model – A Keras model.